
Saturday, 17 December 2011

Video of the Week: Wizkid - Pakurumo

"Oya Shardeya, Pakurumopakurumo ko jo dada..."  - LOVE this song, Love the video & Love Wizkid...!


Tuesday, 13 December 2011

Thursday, 1 December 2011

"Where Has The Year Gone?"

I don't know if its the older you get the faster time goes by or what but 2011 definitely seemed like a year that rushed by super quick. It feels like just the other day, I was looking forward to leaving 2010 and entering 2011, now its soon time to leave 2011 and enter into 2012.

At the start of the year, I remember my first post for 2011 talked about working towards achieving your goals and dreams for 2011 and I asked a question which was: “Are you looking forward to the Good Life? Living the Good life? Or looking Back at the Good Life?” I remember saying I’m living the Good Life and till this day I can personally say nothing has changed since I first wrote that post.. 

I mentioned the above question because I just want to really encourage you to keep on going and keep working towards achieving the goals you have set for 2011, its never too late to start even if we do only have 31 days till the end of 2011. Anything can happen between now and then, you never know who you might meet on the 31st December 2011 that might open those doors of opportunities for you in 2012.

So between now and the end of the year why not try to make every day and week count towards achieving your goals and dreams. Make a change that would help you to prepare for 2012, don't wait till 2012 to start making the change, act like your already in 2012 and finish or start working on those goals you set for 2011.. Remember its never too late & One Power Move a Day can get you somewhere.

Keep on running the race… Nothing is impossible to achieve!

Peace out!!!
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